Wednesday, April 21, 2010

7 Grandkids..

I met up with my sister the other night for a quick..well it always starts out quick..(it never ends that way..hehe)..photoshoot. We were hoping to get a pic of all the kids together..and would you believe it..Mine were being so OBNOXIOUS! I was all like..WHAT is going on here! I think they took some type o' crazy pill... lol..yeah..they were wound up.

So here is My sister's crew:

Little J:

My CRAZY Crew:

The Oldest:

Miss H:

Little E:


About This Blog

I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) of 3 little munchkins..and yes, They keep me quite busy! I love photography and collecting old cameras! Photography has always been a part of my life and I got my first SLR courtesy of my husband's stepdad...Thank You Howard! Since then I have upgraded to a DSLR and am loving every minute of it! Thanks for stopping by!

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